“Humanity Rising” Continued
Last month, Sarah Eskandari and Dr. Michael Nagler were invited to participate in a discussion at "Humanity Rising," an ongoing summit dedicated to fostering community and addressing global problems.
During the discussion, Sarah emphasized the importance of not prematurely concluding that the movement has ended solely based on the absence of street protests. She highlighted that the movement encompasses a wide range of aspects and connections. Most notably, it has sparked a mental revolution that has permeated every facet of life in Iran, and this revolution is still in progress.
For those interested in watching the entire presentation and engaging in the discussion, you can access the recording using the following link: https://youtube.com/live/66Ot_942tFY?feature=sharec #womanlifefreedom#downwiththeislamicrepublic#democracyforiran #womanrightsforiran